
We’re uniting the people and businesses of Greater Omaha around shared goals for our region by focusing on equitable, 可访问的, 现代交通.

在过去的12个月中, 推荐几个体彩外围app与社区团体会面,了解社区的需求, issues that continue to ch所有enge us and how they feel better transportation could increase access to opportunity in the region.

不同的利益相关者围绕推荐几个体彩外围app解决劳动力问题的需要联合起来, particularly how to connect people who need work to available jobs in the region. 转型社区的排名也很高, along with how we can take advant年龄 of evolving and emerging technologies to serve our future needs.

从无数的社区对话中挖掘出丰富的信息, focus groups and input from civic leaders was layered over feedback from more than 4,关于交通偏好的调查.

What emerged was a significant disconnect between how people currently move around versus what they would prefer.

目标        原则        过程    

的ConnectGO strategy will reimagine and modernize our transportation system to ensure it helps to further four 有趣的damental community goals. 这些目标是通过公众参与确定的, 回顾过去的计划和研究, 以及整个地区生活和工作人员的集体专业知识.


  • Our multimodal transportation system will enable people to reach their preferred destinations in a reasonable amount of time, 不论年龄大小, 能力, 或邻居.
  • We will maximize access to education, employment, and health care for people traveling by any mode.

人才的吸引力 & 保留

  • Our transportation system will contribute to a quality of life that is appealing to local residents and attractive to people living elsewhere.
  • Greater Omaha will support a diverse range of lifestyles by offering a variety of enjoyable neighborhoods, 从农村到城市.


  • Our transportation system will help us 所有 prosper as individuals, as communities, and as a region.
  • Our transportation system will safely and reliably move freight, as well as people.
  • We will catalyze higher value real estate development and neighborhood revitalization through strategic infrastructure investment.


  • We will take pride in the condition of our existing transportation infrastructure, 优先考虑其维护和修复.
  • ConnectGO will account for long-term operations and maintenance costs when planning for future projects.


A set of five community-defined principles have emerged to guide the ConnectGO initiative. 这些原则将塑造推荐个买球的app官网, 政策 和程序 that will ultimately coalesce into a unified regional transportation strategy. 


The quality and character of our built environment have a profound impact on people’s lives. ConnectGO will attempt to improve people’s lives through transportation strategies that support health, 安全, 有趣的, 经济安全.


ConnectGO will strive for equity in both the process of the strategy’s development and in the outcomes proposed within the strategy. 在一起, we will build a transportation system that helps address the enduring impacts of inequity and includes options to serve people of 所有 年龄s and abilities throughout the region.


的ConnectGO initiative will take a holistic approach to tackling some of our region’s greatest transportation-related ch所有enges, 纳入与土地使用有关的策略, placemaking, and workforce development in addition to more traditional transportation projects, 政策, 和程序. 推荐几个体彩外围app不会回避大胆的、有远见的行动.


ConnectGO will offer innovative approaches to transportation that promote fiscal, 操作, 环境可持续性. 着眼于新兴技术和着眼于未来的方法, ConnectGO将在推荐几个体彩外围app地区未来的竞争中发挥关键作用.


只有推荐几个体彩外围app共同努力,才能在区域范围内取得成功. 制定一个经得起时间考验的可执行计划, 推荐几个体彩外围app会透过全社区的投入,发展康州支援策略, preserving local decision making while coordinating transportation strategies across city, 县, 以及州界.



第一阶段收集了4个以上的反馈,关于交通偏好的调查. What emerged was a significant disconnect between how people currently move around versus what they would prefer.



最近我在新闻里听到了很多关于交通的消息. Why do we need another transportation plan if so many people are already working on it?
  • ConnectGO解决了如何 所有 当前和未来的交通努力可以连接起来,创造一个公平的, 可访问的, 和现代化的区域交通系统. 在一起, we’re developing a coordinated strategy among existing transportation initiatives and developing an action plan to ensure we are addressing our larger community ch所有enges.
  • 到目前为止,推荐几个体彩外围app的工作表明,进入安全, 负担得起的, 对居民来说,高效的交通是当务之急, 整个地区的企业和机构. 然而, some of us lack access to our existing transportation system because of their income, 能力, 年龄, 或者他们住在哪里. 这阻碍了人们获得或离开高薪工作, 学校, 娱乐, 限制了推荐几个体彩外围app地区的发展. 缺乏接触就等于缺乏机会.

We believe this transportation strategy must be transformative in order to be effective. If we don’t act now – and act boldly – our region’s competitive value diminishes. 

It’s imperative that we keep talented people here — and attract new residents — if we are going to realize our future vision for regional success. Data shows that good access to a variety of transportation modes is attractive to the next generation.

  • 的ConnectGO 目标和原则 是通过城市居民的投入来定义的吗, 郊区, and rural communities that make up the Greater Omaha region – people like you.
  • ConnectGO涵盖了所有形式的交通工具, 包括推荐几个体彩外围app如何维护和保护推荐几个体彩外围app的道路以及推荐几个体彩外围app如何使用土地. Transportation makes a meaningful difference in people’s lives because it’s how we access education, 就业和彼此. While you may or may not see a significant change in your own transportation experience, our community will become stronger and more connected as a result of ConnectGO.
I don’t think ConnectGO is going to impact my area much, so why should I care?
  • 的ConnectGO 目标和原则 是通过城市居民的投入来定义的吗, 郊区, and rural communities that make up the Greater Omaha region – people like you.
  • ConnectGO涵盖了所有形式的交通工具, 包括推荐几个体彩外围app如何维护和保护推荐几个体彩外围app的道路以及推荐几个体彩外围app如何使用土地. Transportation makes a meaningful difference in people’s lives because it’s how we access education, 就业和彼此. While you may or may not see a significant change in your own transportation experience, our community will become stronger and more connected as a result of ConnectGO.
我总是需要开车到处走走. 更好的区域交通对我有什么影响?

当然,汽车仍将是主要的交通方式. But having fewer of them on the roads — because we have more choices — means shorter, 为那些开车和开车的人提供更安全的通勤, 推荐几个体彩外围app的道路磨损更少, 能帮助推荐几个体彩外围app更好地管理未来修路的成本吗.

It also means safer and more efficient movement of freight and can impact how neighborhoods grow and develop to provide access to 学校 and jobs.


ConnectGO is a bold transportation strategy uniting the people and businesses of Greater Omaha around shared goals for our region. 注重公平, 可访问的, 现代交通 to improve our quality of life and bolster our economic strength, ConnectGO将连接人们, 机会, and communities through an actionable transportation strategy for today and tomorrow. ConnectGO是推荐几个体彩外围app的一项倡议, 智慧城市, 和都会区规划局(MAPA)